Jeffrey McCall was radically delivered from the homosexual/transgender lifestyle. He now find his identity in Jesus Christ and is in full-time ministry. Read more about him here.
Jeffrey McCall was radically delivered from the homosexual/transgender lifestyle. He now find his identity in Jesus Christ and is in full-time ministry. Read more about him here.
I've Committed my life to Jesus, Now what?
Jesus Christ is alive and wants to be in a REAL relationship with you. Your personal relationship with Him will become richer and more meaningful to you than anyone else in your life. He wants His children to put Him first, and spend time with Him through:
Prayer- Praying to God is how we communicate with Him. Pray to Him throughout the day for guidance and direction. Once you have committed your life to Christ, He will gift you with His Holy Spirit as your Teacher and Helper. (John 16: 5-15) Follow His lead and take a step of faith each and everyday.
Reading His Word (Bible)- The Holy Scriptures are God's living Words. (2 Timothy 3: 16) When we read the Word every day, He will speak to you and with His help and power, obey His instructions and apply them to your life. Little by little, your mind will be renewed and strengthened with His truth. Things may not make sense right away, but in time, the Lord will open up your mind to His words and teach you exactly what He wants you to learn. He'll even bring other people into your life that will help you understand His Word, while building godly relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible (Sword of the Spirit), helps us battle Satan and temptation in order to live a life that is pleasing to our Lord and Savior Jesus (Ephesians 6: 10-20). You'll find in time, that you'll crave His Word and desire to live a life that is pleasing to Him, however imperfectly.
If you don't have a paper Bible, you can download several Bible apps on your phone, or connect with study tools such as: They have a free Bible reader and helpful Bible study podcasts. If you'd like a paper Bible, and don't have the funds for one, please contact us and we'll connect you with a copy.
Here is another great resource for biblical discipleship