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Jeffrey McCall was radically delivered from the homosexual/transgender lifestyle. He now find his identity in Jesus Christ and is in full-time ministry. Read more about him here.
Jeffrey McCall was radically delivered from the homosexual/transgender lifestyle. He now find his identity in Jesus Christ and is in full-time ministry. Read more about him here.
About One Flesh 4 Jesus
Peter and Erin are a husband and wife team who were radically saved by God's grace, love and mercy in January 2017. Peter was brought up in a Roman Catholic home, but didn't understand a true saving relationship with Jesus. He visited psychics and mediums since he was a child and even became a tarot card reader as an adult. Jesus freed Peter from alcohol, drug addiction and pornography.
Erin was born in a Christian home, but didn't understand what a real relationship with Jesus meant. She eventually became a yoga teacher and was heavily involved in New Age/Universal thought. After several years as a yoga teacher she became curious about Christianity again. Especially after seeing such a radical change in her father. In November 2016, she asked God directly if He was real, if Jesus Christ was the truth and if He was to prove it. Not thinking she would get an answer, Jesus revealed Himself to both Erin and Pete, and lifted the veil from their eyes! They were baptized in February 2017, and the journey has been incredible since then. God is SO good!
We named our ministry One Flesh 4 Jesus because we're a husband and wife team with Jesus as the ultimate authority of our marriage and lives. Jesus said in Mark 10: 8 "But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and the two shall become one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh." Jesus was referencing Genesis 2: 24. This ministry is God's and we are called to share the gospel, testimonies and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28: 20). Jesus has not only radically changed our lives, but many others. This ministry will be a place for The Gospel. Testimony. Discipleship.
We hope our Website blesses every visitor and that God will become #1 in your life, like He has ours.
Here's links to our video testimonies:
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